Massive Development
Allison continues to reach new milestones on a daily basis. Today she surprised me by crawling up a stair in the morning. By evening, she managed to crawl up three stairs. She’s also babbling and talking up a storm. Here’s a sampling of words and sounds:
- “Hie” (rhymes with rye) – she says this to get our attention. When she’s excited, she’ll wave for good measure too.
- “bao” – I think she’s trying to say Bisco. She’s learned to get his attention, by throwing food over the side of her highchair. She’ll then lean over, say “bao” and look for Bisco to come over. Sometimes she’ll even look at him and say it, as if telling him to come on over for a snack!
- “bi-bi” – sounds almost like “bye-bye.” Again, sometime we get a wave, sometimes not.
- “mama” “dada” – just what you’d expect
- “awa” – we think she’s trying to say “agua”
Tonight we read her Peek-a-Boo book. She giggles when we turn the pages, for instance saying peek-a-moo or peek-a-zoo. Allison also started to say “ya-ya-yoo” and “ch, ch” after I said peek-a-choo choo. Patty and I agree that Allison is starting to talk earlier than Katherine, easily by 4 to 6 weeks. My mom says that Allison has said “paw paw” when she’s babysitting. ๐
Steve has gotten adept at reading Allison as well. Two short yells “ahhh ahh” mean that Katherine has taken away a toy from her. He’s also taught Allison to put her “arms up!” When we say that, she’ll put her arms in the air so we can take her clothes off. Today at Little Gym, during family participation day, the instructor put her arms up in class. What did Allison do? She put her arms up!
Tulip Festival
Last week was spring break for Katherine’s preschool. That meant that last week was a very, very long week for the parents. We decided to take advantage of no school by taking the kids and my mom up to the Tulip Festival. What did we learn from this experience?
- It’s going to be a very long drive to Disneyland and Sea World this summer.
- When Katherine gets food, Allison cries because she wants the same thing.
- When Allison gets food, Katherine has to have the same thing too.
- When Katherine yells “ahhhh” at Allison, the little one yells “ahhh” right back. Unless we ask them to, they don’t stop.
- Katherine prefers the Smuckers PB&J sandwiches to McDonalds.
- We think Katherine must have a second stomach to store all the food she eats on car trips.
Oh yes, the tulips were beautiful too. After an hour and a half of running around the tulip fields, Katherine was exhausted. Allison was pretty tired too. They both slept on the way home.