Memorial Day Long Weekend
Katherine was out of school today, and we decided to take the kids to KidsQuest, a children’s museum in Factoria. Of course, leaving for any sort of activity is a multi-stage process:
- Convince Katherine to eat breakfast
- Get Allison to take her morning nap!
- Restrain Katherine from entering Allison’s room and waking her up
- Change the dirty diaper after Allison wakes up
- Get shoes, socks, jackets…
- Detach Steve from the den
- etc. etc.
We finally made it on our way and what happens? Katherine fell asleep in the car; everyone is starving so we have to eat lunch. Finally, before 1PM, we walked into the museum. The kids had a nice time playing with the waterworks. Allison loved going down the leaf slide on her belly (like a snake…ssss…) and the girls liked to play in the little houses in the toddler area.
We stopped for a smoothie at Jamba Juice before leaving the mall. Allison at first was content to drink her water, but then realized that she was missing out. So, after a couple big “ahhhss” we let her have a few sips, then a few more. She was in hog heaven along with Katherine. After our drive home, Katherine snoozed for a couple hours. Allison practiced her walking all over the kitchen and family room. As soon as we opened the gate, Allison buzzed upstairs, walked into her sister’s room and promptly woke her up!
Camping in the Playroom
One of Steve’s aspirations is to take the girls camping soon. First step we figured is to get the kids used to sleeping in the tent. Where else to try this out than the playroom?
The girls have been having a blast in our enormous 6-person REI tent that is squeezed in the playroom. Allison rolls her little body in and out of the doorway. Katherine likes to hang out in her pink, girls sleeping bag and pretend that she and Allison are going to sleep in the tent.
We tried it tonight. I was downstairs listening as Steve valiantly tried to get the girls to sleep. Poor Allison was in her Pack and Play yelling “Maaaa Maaaa.” Katherine finally decided that she couldn’t sleep because she wasn’t tired. After about 30 minutes of crying, talking, singing and everything but sleeping…Steve put Allison in her crib and Katherine in her room.
12 Month Checkup
I was convinced that Allison would have gained a pretty significant amount of weight. She’s been eating a ton and filling out. To our surprise though, she weighed in at only 17 pounds 5 oz (only gaining 1 lb 5 oz), but she grew a whole 1.5″ in 3 months (to 28.5 inches in length).
As expected though, we plopped her on the papered table to undress her and weigh her when she started to cry. It was a pretty clear cry, “I remember this, and I don’t like it!” She cried all the way through the measurement process, only stopping when we diapered her and held her for her examination. As soon as the nurse came back in with the needles, the crying started again, only to stop when we got her to the car.
It was thankfully a very uneventful checkup – only 3 shots and no major effects this time from the vaccinations.