Tough Weekend
Steve and I had one of those weekends. The kids were exhausted on Saturday and Sunday, with Allison not wanting to nap and Katherine desperately needing a nap herself. Yesterday we had planned to go swimming – but that plan went by the wayside after Katherine screamed outside of napping Allison’s nursery. Katherine tried mightily to convince me that she didn’t wake her sister, that she only opened the door to find her sister awake already. That all said, it was pretty clear that swimming was not to be on Saturday.
Sunday morning we visited with some friends over brunch. The kids hung in there, despite Katherine and Steve both being awakened by Bisco at 6AM! After brunch, Katherine napped, Allison tried sooo hard not to nap and Steve finally took Allison for a drive around the neighborhood. We finally got to the gym mid-afternoon just in time for a much awaited swim.
Despite Katherine’s excitement and enthusiasm, Allison cried and cried at the pool. Once I handed her to Steve, she started bawling and continued to cry through her swim. I hopped out the pool, showered her off (more crying), toweled her (more crying) and finally plopped her on a towel with a biscuit so I could dress in the dressing room. At this point, she quieted down and knawed her treat. We’ll have to try this again sometime…Sigh.
Probably the high point of the swim was the new camera casing that Steve bought for our Elph. It worked really well and was just as easy to use as the regular camera without the waterproof casing.
Allison is getting Very Vocal these days. It’s unclear if this is natural development or a byproduct of hanging out with Katherine. Anyway, Allison’s newest trick is to cry very loudly, “Ma Ma MMMAAAA!!” She does this in the kitchen, on the changing table, even when I’m holding her!
She also will yell (no other way to describe it), “awa aWA AWAAA!” This goes on for minutes at a time. We offer water (agua) but she’ll push it away. Allison typically does this when she sees running water, water in a cup,`an empty cup, a spray canister or anything that could hold liquid. Sometimes she really does want water – our water!