Blossoming Vocabulary
Allison is really starting to express herself with gibberish and half words. During today’s dinner, she kept saying “ahh ahh ahh,” complaining and finally pointing at my plate. I asked her, “do you want some bread?” She responded, “breh” and promptly knawed and ate half of my baguette piece.
We also were driving by a friend’s house today. I was telling Katherine, “we’re going to pass Ian and India’s house.” From the back car seat we heard Allison say, “Innnn…” and other sounds. She knew what we were saying!
We continue to have increasingly interesting conversations with Katherine. Here’s an excerpt from yesterday dinner…
Katherine: “Next time, you go on a bike ride.”
Christine: “Well, I don’t ride as fast as Daddy and his friends….”
Katherine: “You can go with the other moms then…”
Christine: “Some of the other moms are pretty fast…like Tina and Susan.”
Katherine: “Oh…”
Christine: “Daddy will be home later tonight after his bike ride.”
Katherine: “No he won’t (sniffle). He didn’t bring a flashlight…he won’t know how to get home without a light because it will be dark…”
Needless to say, Katherine was pretty bent out of shape that Dad was missing dinner, bath and bedtime for a bike ride. ๐
She also tries so hard to get what she wants. The other day she arrived home with a chocolate cupcake, courtesy of Patty’s sister. We told her that she could only have the cupcake IF she ate her dinner. The problem though was that she wasn’t hungry for dinner. She eventually told us, “I’m full. I want to save my cupcake for tomorrow.” Tonight she remembered that the cupcake was sitting on top of the fridge. We told her that we weren’t sure if it was still edible. She told us, “Let’s get it down and see!”
The kids are starting to interact more and more like siblings. For instance,Katherine has been really trying to figure out the boundaries of how she can play with Allison. On several occasions we’ve seen Katherine push her sister just hard enough so Allison falls on her bottom. We’ve also seen Katherine sitting on some part of her sister – with very strict consequences. I’m hoping this phase ends shortly without any trips to the doctor.