I can’t believe I forgot some new Allison words. Steve, Allison and I were walking around Redmond Town Center this morning after school dropoff. Allison must have walked at least a quarter mile around the stores, stopped by every tree to check out rocks and got really excited by other kids and a water fountain. So, here are more new words…
- “Waer” – Sounds like water without the T
- “Raaa” – for rocks around the trees at the mall
- “Wa” – for walk. This is said at different volume levels, often very very loudly.
- “Baa” – when reaching or pointing to balloons
Most recent count is 20-25 words/sounds for objects, people or animals.
I also need to post pics from Sharon and Jamey’s visit after we upload them.
Reading Program & the Tipping Point
At Katherine’s teachers suggestion, we checked out the Redmond Public Library’s reading program for kids. The program consists of kids filling out a reading log – one box filled in for every 20 minutes they read or are read to by an adult. Katherine, being a very goal oriented child, grasped onto this concept and has asked us to read her books almost every spare moment when Allison is asleep. (Allison grabs books which makes it virtually impossible to read around her.) We’ve read about 5 new library books and re-read some new Arthur and Bernstairan Bear Books. She’s taken immense pride in filling out her first three squares. She even insisted on bringing her reading log to my mom’s house for their sleepover tonight!
Anyway Katherine got inspired to climb around and check out the books in our family room. Yesterday she insisted that I read one of the books she grabbed off our shelf – The Tipping Point. I told her that really…really she wouldn’t find it very interesting, and as a matter of fact, I’m not even sure I finished the book (fascinating book and very relevant to work a couple years ago, but I was time challenged back then). I did manage to (verbally) wrestle it away from her, but that was pretty amusing.
Given the summer heat, we’ve been meaning to get the kids some new hats. We found the perfect ones at Janie and Jack the other day (only $10 on sale!) Katherine even swore that she’d wear it if we bought one for her. Anyway, they’re very nice straw hats with purple lining and a flower on the front…very cute and especially when both kids wear them. Allison really enjoys putting on her hat (which we call mao-tze) and likes to walk around the house with her hat perched askance on her head.
Yesterday she found her hat in our room, and proceeded to walk down the hallway with this big brimmed hat. She clearly couldn’t see anything. First she went barreling down the hallway at full speed, walked straight into a wall, bounced off the wall, and then fell directly on to her back.
I tried really hard not to laugh, but it was sooo funny. (don’t worry she didn’t get any bruises, just a hurt ego)