Lots of Words, But Still a Skinny Bean
We took Allison to her 15 month checkup today. As expected, she grew lengthwise – 2 whole inches over 3 months – to maintain her 25-50% in height. But, she’s now less than 3% in weight – not even on the weight chart for her height – at 18 lbs. 4 oz. Is her doctor concerned? No – because apparently Katherine had a similar “S” curve, although Katherine always was on the chart.
Allison was pretty tired to begin with, and she got even more crabby during the checkup. She wailed on the scale and kept indicating that she wanted to leave the checkup room. After the nurse measured her and her doctor poked, prodded and inspected her, the nurse came back to give two immunizations. Lots of crying and big tears until we reached the minivan. She cheered up at dinner (Mongolian Grill), toddled around the nearby mall, and demanded ice cream from Dad and Katherine after they left Coldstone.
On the other hand, Katherine was very cheerful during the checkup. She sat criss cross applesauce on the checkup table, saying “maybe Allison will get shots, maybe not…” She seemed pretty fired up when the nurse said that Allison would get two shots. During the checkup, I told the doctor that Allison really tried to keep up with Katherine who then exclaimed, “She’s not as fast as me because I’m older and bigger!”
Allison is a funny little girl. She loves to ride her red wagon, trying to climb into it and demanding “Ri…Ri.” She also likes to watch Katherine pedal around the driveway in her trike. If Katherine goes slowly enough, Allison grabs on to the push bar and walks after the trike as if pushing it along.
On the Silly Sally front, the book continues to wear and tear. Allison now says, “Sihlleee Saalll” telling us when she wants us to help her find her book. When we get to the middle of the book, she exclaims “Bbbuuu” for Neddy Buttercup. She often babbles while flipping pages, as if telling us the story. We’re going to have to buy at least another copy, so we have one upstairs and one downstairs copy.