Allison’s Third Molar
Well, it happened again. Allison’s new molar appeared this past Monday. Four days later, her nose started to drip and she showed full fledged cold symptoms last night. As a result, Steve and Katherine are off camping with a bunch of other family friends & kids this weekend, while Allison recuperates with me at home.
New Words & Development
We have more new words and really funny behavior…
-“Shhisser” – for sister
– “Wuck” – for truck
– “Uuuh Ohhh” – says this a lot now
Tonight I decided to wash Allison’s little blue bath seat. While I was rinsing it off in the tub, Allison appeared by my side and started squaking and pointing to let me know that she really wanted her red flower pot. I handed it to her, and she made motions as if scooping water from the tub into the pot. Since the tub hadn’t filled yet, she went in search of another source of water and found…the toilet! I managed to grab the pot just in time – as she reached into the toilet with it to scoop water. Yikes!!
Allison’s comprehension continues to grow. She knows the names of various books and calls them out. For instance, she’ll call out “Baa Baa” as we read Brown Bear, Brown Bear. When we read Sheep in a Jeep, she says “UH OH” when we turn to the third page which says “Uh Oh, the jeep won’t go!” We also read the Ready, Set, Go book, and she exclaims “goooh” after I say “Ready, Set.”
I asked her tonight to point to the bus and firetruck in her popup book. She proudly jabbed the correct pictures.
Obsessed with Shoes
Allison is absolutely obsessed with “Shus.” It doesn’t matter if they are her, Katherine, my or Steve’s shoes. She picks them up and delivers them to their rightful owner.
Allison also found her stash of shoes in her closet. Stash includes her little leather Robeez which she loves to carry around in their plastic, handled bags. She also discovered Katherine’s old, size 4 black patent Mary Janes. I kept them, as Katherine wore them maybe two or three times. They’re in pristine condition and the perfect size for Allison outings this fall.
Anyway, Allison is overjoyed by these shoes. She stood on her tippytoes this evening, reached for the Mary Janes and tried to put them on her feet. I helped her strap them on, and she walked up and down the hallway – white cotton PJs and black, patent Mary Janes. Quite a sight.