More Words Today
Allison shocked my mom and I today. We were showing her a picture from tulip season of our family. She obligingly said, “Mama, Dada, shissher” to describe who was in the picture. Then, we said, “That’s Allison.” She then said, “Allishha” a couple of times – referring to herself!
She also has learned from my mom the number “thee.” My mom will say, “One, Two…” and Allison will chime in with “thee!” They play the game with “A, B” and then “C!” too. Allison has also learned the number five in Chinese, which sounds like “whhooo.” She delights in being able to interact with us using more and more words.
Other fun words yesterday and today:
– “abble” – referring to a platic toy apple
– “buush” – pointing to a bus
Her new trick in the bathtub is to wash herself using a little bath towel. She holds the towel to her belly and twists her body back and forth. It’s so cute.
She’s also starting to shake her head to emphasize that she doesn’t want to do something. Today, my mom asked her to give something to Mama. She promptly turned away and shook her head!
I’m pleasantly surprised by how self-sufficient she is. I spent an hour today sorting through clothes to pull together her fall wardrobe. Allison would wander in, walk around the clothes, go to the playroom, drag a toy to the nursery and play by herself. She must have spent 10 minutes just putting Tinker Toy sticks and rounds in and out of the cardboard cylinder.