Allison’s Vocabulary
I’m probably not doing justice to Allison’s burgeoning vocabulary, but it’s just that. It’s burgeoning and growing more quickly than we can track. New words this week:
– Eat – usually accompanied by opening the pantry and pulling out her O’s
– Milk – finally!! It kind of sounds like “Mil”
– Raining – She really says it…and its very discernable.
– Key – She spotted Steve put his keys down today, and the word just popped out.
– Outside – This sounds like “ouuusii” but it’s very clear what she means.
– No No No – Sounds like “Naooo” but you can’t miss the head shake and insistent no’s.
– Bowl – She says this while waving her “baooo” around.
– Bunny – This refers to Annie’s cheddar or whole wheat bunny crackers. She says “buhhhie”
– Water – This sounds like “waer” – often interchanged with “agua.”
– Ball – Just that
– Gate – We tell Bisco to “go behind the gate” when we eat. If Allison spies him under the table, she’ll say “gaaie” and point to the gate.
– Dog – She says “dah” while pointing to or looking at Bisco.
– Mine – This she got from Katherine. We heard K say, “It’s mine!” followed by Allison exclaim “mi!”
The kids are so funny these days together. Katherine wants to play with what Allison has and vice-versa. They have to see what their sister is doing, and they have to eat the same foods. It’s not uncommon for them to have sharing issues – often indicated by Allison yelping or saying “no” or “mi!” Today while cooking dinner I heard the “she took my toy” cry from Allison. I told Katherine sternly to give the pretend phone back to her sister or else lose her Bernstein Bears TV time. After a few seconds Katherine said softly, “how did you know??”
It’s here…the Graco flower booster seat for Katherine arrived yesterday. Katherine is overjoyed. We’ll have to take pictures of her reading books and enjoying her three cup holders in the back of the minivan. I took the kids to the library today. Katherine managed to spread all her books out in the back seat on the way home. I didn’t hear a peep from her, just an occasional mumble as she flipped the pages of her books.