7 Days of School
It’s a wonder I have any hair left on my head at all. I think I might have pulled it all out the last several weeks. Why? We’ve had only SEVEN days of school since December 14th. Between holidays and at least 5 snow days, our school routine is almost non-existent. This has resulted in very squirrely behavior of late, which I seriously hope dissipates as we get back into our school routine. Today was Katherine’s first day back at school in a week, and she had a hard time getting back into the swing of things.
Katherine Bush
Allison loves to say her sister’s name. A few weeks ago, Katherine told us that she wanted to nap in the minivan on the way to the Museum of Flight. No sooner did we leave the driveway did Allison start in…”Kathrine…Kafrine…Kathrine…” On and on this went. Finally, Katherine complained, “I can’t sleep because Allison keeps saying my name.” Now this has progressed. Allison runs around saying “Katherine Bush!!!” She’s so proud that she can say her sister’s first and last name.
Holiday Pictures
I’m not sure if we’ve uploaded all the Christmas pictures yet, but this is a sampling. My favorite picture of the kids is the one in front of the Molbak’s Poinsettia tree. They had just mowed down a scone and milk and were in good spirits. My other favorite is of Allison stacking crayons, because this gives you a good idea of how she plays. She’s very deliberate and concentrated in her efforts. She’s since moved on to stacking wooden blocks – counting as she stacks her cylindrical blocks higher and higher until they fall!
More Changes
Steve is back at work. After 6 years away, he’s back at Microsoft…but this time in Research. It’s only been 2 years and 2 months since I left, but it seems the company sure has changed a lot. Of course, if we think back to when we started years ago, the change is even more marked. But, all that said, I’m looking forward to the routine. Katherine is going thru the adjustment of not spending as much time with Steve, but I think she’ll be fine in a couple weeks (fingers crossed, knock on wood).