They’re Sponges
It’s often said that of kids, and I’m a real believer. I had mentioned to my mom proudly yesterday that I thought Allison could recognize a third of the alphabet. Her response, “Oh, she knows more than that…” She does indeed. Allison knows almost all her uppercase letters, only occasionally mixing up N/H and not quite knowing E, I (“Ice Cream!”), V or X.
How did we figure this out? Katherine dug out an older toy, which consists of magnetic letters that affix to pages in a metal book. Allison got a hold of the toy today and started messing around with the letters. One by one I held up the letters and asked, “Allison what is this letter?” She’d eye the letter and then give her response. After a while, Katherine decided she wanted to play Vanna, so she held up letters for her sister to identify. Allison could identify just about all the letters correctly, even with grapes in her mouth! I guess it’s time to find those old refrigerator magnets and put them up again.
At that point, Steve arrived home to witness this exercise. He then arranged the little letters into simple 3 letter words for Katherine to sound out. He progressed to harder 4 letter words; we introduced her to the “sh” blend. Katherine was having a great time. Allison, missing the attention, grabbed random letters and yelling out their names like “O O O!” It was quite the scene at our kitchen table tonight.
Can’t Jump Josie
We have a pile of CDs in our family room, which the kids know how to insert and play in a CD player. Allison found a really old Kindermusik CD which includes a song called, “Rolling down the river.” It has lyrics, “One in the middle, can’t jump Josie (repeat)..Oh Susan Brown!” Katherine heard the song and started jumping up and down. Apparently, they learned this song at school earlier this year and have this routine where they alternate walking and jumping. Allison has taken to this song, saying “Can’t Jump…Jump Josie.” She’s gone to extraordinary lengths to get us to play the CD – putting random CDs in, pressing random buttons, pulling me into the family room, and hounding us to play the song.
New Family Member
Her name is Pinky Bear, and that’s exactly what she is. We went to Build a Bear last weekend to spend two lovely gift cards from Christmas. Katherine marched straight up to a pink bear, declared that was what she wanted, and quietly watched the whole stuffing/heart inserting process. Katherine also informed us that Pinky needed a bike helmet and purse, to go with the handful of baby clothes that I kept for doll/bear dressing purposes. Pinky has a nice set of clothes, which Katherine keeps nicely organized in her Build a Bear box and which she tries to get on and off the bear with varying degrees of success.
Did Allison get her bear? Not yet. She buzzed all around the store but wasn’t ready for the experience. She does really like Pinky, holding the bear on the way to school pickup and telling me “I can play with Pinky Bear….Pinky Bear Tickle!! Ha ha ha.”