Mother Daughter Day
Katherine and I headed over to Eton last Saturday for Mother Daughter Day. Similar to Father Daughter Day, it’s a chance for one parent to watch their child work in the classroom and see progress made. Despite fighting the last of a nasty cold, Katherine virtually bounded into the classroom. Her teacher had written down three works for her to show: Pink Reading Box, Metal Insets and Golden Bead Fetching. Steve had seen the pink reading boxes in December, and I was interested to see how Katherine laid out the 5 or 6 words with accompanying pictures. Then she had to sound out the letters and put the right picture next to the word. Katherine was on a roll until she got her lower case b and d mixed up, resulting in the word dog next to a bug picture and vice versa. Mrs. Fleming asked Katherine to sound them out; they switched the cards; Katherine put away her materials and we were finished.
The next work involved what Katherine described as metal pots and pan covers. Really, it’s just metal stencils inside of a metal surrounding base. She selected a wooden tray and placed a stencil, pencils and paper in the tray. Katherine sat down and then proceeded to trace the stencil with three colored pencils. After zipping through the work, Katherine determined that the math corner was in use, and asked Mrs. Fleming for another work. Katherine was extraordinarily busy for the next 10 or 15 minutes, doing a rock work, tracing/coloring a map of Australia, doing a practical life buckle work and putting/spilling beads on a multiplication tray. We closed the hour with Katherine showing me how she could create 1000, 600, 40 and 3 with different gold bead currencies (6×100, 4×10, etc).
Pictures Publishing
I think I might have forgotten a step in publishing the pictures, so they’ll be up later today (fingers crossed). When they are published properly, you’ll notice that the kids are growing like weeds. Katherine has shot up at least a 0.5-1.0 inch. Allison has got to be a pound or two heavier, and her face and body are filling out. Must the non-stop eating…