Pre-Easter Festivities
Today was an extraordinarily busy day for the kids. We started with a pancake breakfast at Trilogy to benefit a foster child home in Seattle. Then, Katherine and I went to our weekly Chinese school, then to lunch and back home to meet Steve – who took Katherine to a birthday party at KidsQuest in the afternoon (whew!) Allison went to my mom’s house for a nap and then a visit to a nearby friend’s house. We then went to a friends house for pizza dinner. We’re just about all done in.
Perhaps the most endearing moment of the day occurred when the kids spotted the rather tall Easter Bunny at the breakfast. For only $2.50, we had a picture taken of the kids on our laps next to the bunny. Neither wanted any part of sitting on his/her? lap, especially the bunny must have topped 7 feet tall with the long ears. As we ate, they continued to peek at the bunny, which decided to mosey on over for a visit.
Poor Allison cowered in her chair. She first leaned away from it and gave a half-hearted wave and “bye Easter Bunny. ” As it came closer, she leaned her head onto the table, covering her eyes with her hand to hide. I reached over and held her – she bravely peeked over my shoulder and repeated several times, “Bye Easter Bunny.”
The girls fell asleep as soon as we put them down tonight – in anticipation of some serious egg hunting tomorrow, a brunch with friends and then a dinner with Steve’s extended family.