Haircut #2 for Allison
The girls went to see Shara yesterday for their hair cuts. What was the big attraction – movies? train table? toys? Nope. It was the complementary lollipops hanging for the children to take when they are done. Allison ate her lollipop in 3 minutes flat. Katherine nursed hers along for about 20 minutes through Redmond Town Center.
Research Picnic
Last Saturday we attended the MS Research picnic on the soccer fields on campus. It was an amazing experience for the kids – many of the amenities of the MS company picnic for the Research division. The girls went on pony rides (no waiting in line!), bounced on a variety of different bouncers (again, no lines), ate a small bit of cotton candy and had their caricature drawn by an artist. They ate grilled salmon, mac and cheese, had popsicles and popcorn and even got goodies bags with animal hats! Towards the end of the evening, the kids sat next some friends to watch a Native American Indian dance. Katherine talked about this all the way home, “Mom…why were they wearing masks? Why were they wearing costumes? Why did they say BOO?” and so on.
Young Frankenstein
Once every while, Steve and I will go out for a date night. Last Saturday we headed out to Seattle to have a nice dinner and then see the pre-Broadway premiere of Young Frankenstein. Steve asked me on the way in, “Why did you choose this?” I didn’t have a terrifically great response other than it sounded like a good idea!
Were we in for a surprise or what?! The show was very funny, and the cast members were terrific. The Seattle Times gave it an OK review, but clearly the writer had seen the original movie, as had 99.5% of the people in the theater. Speaking as a person who has not seen the movie (yes, I have a deprived life, and it’s on my NetFlix list), the show was great!