Basket Ramens
Allison had her Eton interview on Friday, and it went really well. We dropped off Katherine that morning, made a quick trip to Safeway and then took Allison back to Eton for her interview. She separated without any issues to spend 5 minutes with the admissions director, who asked her to try several works. Allison talked animatedly about the fruit puzzle, identifying them and saying that “Grapes!” were her favorite. She then stacked pegs on the board, noting that there weren’t enough pegs to fill the board. For the last work, Allison choose to use tweezers to move small objects from one bowl to another. She had such a great time, she wanted to stay in the interview room! We convinced her to go to the main building and meet with the school director. We all chatted for half an hour, with Allison flipping thru books and checking out toys. We were very proud!
That afternoon, Katherine climbed in the car and asked, “how did the interview go??” Allison responded, “We saw two jets!” I told the kids that for a special treat we’d go to Baskin Robbins to get ice cream. Allison’s pronounciation was hysterically funny – “Basket Ramens.” Guess what flavor they picked to take home for dessert? Bubble Gum!