Roller Queens
Since it is winter break, Patty took the kids skating while I had my violin lesson and worked on school stuff. Allison wore the smallest skates they had, and Katherine wore her new purple and pink roller skates. The kids had a blast, both skating by themselves. Allison apparently clomped around the rink occasionally falling down, and shook her booty to the music. Katherine says she only fell, “Four Times…but Allison fell a hundred times!” Patty had to peel the kids out of the rink. Needless to say, they were exhausted tonight. Katherine’s new favorite place is Skate King; she just adores it.
The Plan
Katherine decided this weekend to plan out our day. I’ll decipher the phonetic writing that she taped to the wall: “First, we will watch the weather forecast. If the forecast is rain, we’ll build a fort. Then Allison will take a nap. Then we’ll go swimming.”
We get lots of little pieces of paper with scribbles on them. For Valentine’s day, we received lots of “I Love You Dad and Mom” pieces of scrap paper.