Funny Moments
We get a lot of them these days. This morning, I found Allison in the TV room with Steve. I asked her to join me for breakfast downstairs. Her reply was hysterical, “I have stinky feet.” No reason or explanation given. But she felt strongly about it and reiterated it downstairs.
The kids and I made potstickers a couple weeks ago…really wontons since I didn’t have round wrappers. They were so excited to stir the filling. Allison must have dumped a ton of sesame oil in the filling, which I fished out. And, they each got their own tray with water bowls and a little filling to wrap. Katherine finally got the hang of it, as you can see. Allison made one correctly, thanks to coaching from Katherine and I. She was very imaginative with the rest. “Look Mama, I made a double double.” or “Look…I made a burrito!!”
This morning Katherine asked me in the car, “Mom, what’s a fault?” I guessed that this had to do with an earthquake reference (Busytown?). So, I asked her if she had heard of earthquakes. She launched into a whole explanation, “We put our hands on our heads and wait for the safety lady to hold up a sign….” Then upon being asked again, she said…”That’s when astronauts in space shake the earth!” My explanation of plates moving against one another probably didn’t sink in. But, she was very interested in my story of Loma Prieta.
Sunday with an E
Or, is it Sunda-e? Katherine went to a birthday party yesterday at Build-A-Bear, and it was just the bees knees. She picked the $10 bear, which allowed her to pick an outfit for the bear. I heard her ask the employee, “How much do I have left on my tag?” I told her later as we shopped, “Remember Katherine, you only have $10 to spend!” The reply was priceless, “Yes, Mama, I know…”
Swimming Picture
I have to include it in the blog because its just priceless. When Allison does ready-downs and swims in the water, she keeps her eyes open. The person to whom she’s swimming sees Allison bug-eyed coming up for air, often with a big smile on her mouth. You can see her in the ready-down position, where I’m about to let her go to swim to Steve. ๐