Lake Chelan
The kids had an amazing time at Lake Chelan with their friends. Steve and I are exhausted. ๐
Here are the highlights:
– The water park with slides was a hit. The kids went on all the rides they could with us, and then the beginner slides by themselves. It was a hoot to see Allison buzzing down the slide with her arms straight out and her mouth in a big smile. Allison tried everything without hesitation. Katherine resisted the longer slides until she saw Allison go down three times with Steve. Katherine had to try it then. She kept going at full speed until we all left.
– We spent much of our free time at the beach, building sand castles and flying kites. Steve practiced his kite technique, while Katherine ran around with her kite (thankfully not wrapping the line or kite in a tree or a person).
– A different family would host dinner each night. That meant the kids would run around before and after dinner in the RV Park. They befriended a neighbor girl who had a Pink ATV and let the kids ride it. Allison TORE around the park with Steve chasing her. The kids pretended to be a car wash, to fix the ATV, etc. They made up all sorts of chase games and pretend games to occupy themselves.
– Allison bowled for the first time — ball between the legs straight down the alley. Wouldn’t you know it, she won the first game too. This wasn’t really fair since she had bumpers. And, Steve would give the ball an extra nudge.
– The cherries from the fruit stands were delicious. We hit 2 or 3 stands during the course of our trip, indulging in Bing, Chelan and Ranier cherries. The kids also went back to their favorite ice cream store (Das Big Scoop) in Leavenworth for enormous ice cream cones.
– We also visited Ohme Gardens, which was originally created privately by a family and later purchased by the state. The kids ran around the park, perched on a mountain over Wenatchee, like mountain goats. We later visited the Rocky Beach Dam, checking out the fish ladder (and one sole fish swimming through) and the exhibits. The coolest part was standing inside the dam, looking out a window directly that the spill water.
We have TEN car seats
Today we managed to finally start culling down our herd of car seats. Patty mentioned, as she was about to re-install the Britax Roundabout in her car, how Allison was the only kid who could fit into the seat. It dawned on me that we could swap out the Roundabout for a larger car seat, allowing Patty to keep the seat in her car. So, here’s the conversation we had as we drove along:
Mom: We have 3…no 4 Britax Roundabouts. And, we have 2 boosters without backs, and 2 boosters with backs. And, we have 1 Britax Marathon and then 1 travel car seat. Wow, we have a LOT of car seats.
Allison: We have 10 car seats.
Mom: What did you say? (looking around from the passenger seat)
Allison: (with 10 fingers up) We have 10 car seats!
Not sure if that was a lucky guess, but we all stopped to listen to her. Now, we’re down to 9 car seats. I peered at the manufacturing date on the Roundabout, and sure enough it was manufactured in June 2002….almost 6 years to the day. If you believe the “plastic starts degrading at 6 years,” that means the car seat has only one place to go. Sigh!