Would You Like Some Lemonade?
6AM: Katherine woke up on Saturday to prepare for her lemonade stand. She and Steve hand-squeezed lemons. The kids had made both sugar and chocolate-chip cookies the day before to sell.
8AM: She and Allison were parked with their table and sign by the side of the road waiting for the garage sale to start.
9AM: She kept asking, “Where are all the customers?” I headed out to put more signs out directing buyers to our neighborhood garage sale (and to our house!)
10AM: She and Allison had sold 2 cookies. I kept promising her that people would arrive and to hang in there.
Over the next couple hours, we were on a roll. Despite the kids running off to the neighbors during lulls, Katherine managed to sell a good amount of lemonade and cookies. I would take the lemonade out of the cooler. She would then carefully pour the lemonade into cups and hand it to the customers. I would remind the kids not to touch the cookies directly. Allison must have spent the first couple hours practicing how to pick up cookies with napkins. She took her job very seriously.
Throughout the morning, they’d ask customers:
Katherine: “Would you like some lemonade?” (sometimes asking 3-4 times)
Allison: “You want some cookies??” (again asking 3-4 times)
I’d remind them that once they asked, they should let the visitors look around and not keep asking. But, boy, was it hard to be patient!
Through some very nice customers who donated an extra 25 or 50 cents each, and one larger donation, they managed to sell two thirds of the lemonade and more than half the cookies.
As expected, we didn’t make very much on the garage sale as a whole – but accomplished our goal of cleaning out the house. We delivered our remaining goods to Goodwill that afternoon.
Katherine raised $24.50 for the Hopelink End Summer Hunger Program. She decided, after hearing about the program and getting the materials at school, to donate all the $ from the lemonade stand to the program.
My Last Name is NOT Two!
Allison says the funniest things, although most of the time its unintentional. Today in the car, Katherine was warbling a made up song. It went something like this…
My last name is Bush and Daddy’s is too…
Bisco’s last name is Bush and Allison’s is too…
Mom’s last name is Chang…
<etc. etc.>
Well, a few more lines later, Allison piped up in a very upset voice. “My name is NOT Two. My last name is Bush!!”