My Chess Board
When I was in fifth or sixth grade, my dad gave me a chess board for Christmas. It’s actually one of the few Christmas gifts I’ve kept over the years, and it has a lot of sentimental value. I do play, but not very well…
Yesterday, Allison and I played checkers – and Katherine was bent out of shape that she couldn’t participate. So, Steve took out the chess set, and Katherine’s first words were, “It’s BEAUTIFUL!”
With that, Allison scampered over to the chessboard, and we spent the next half hour learning the game.
I taught them how to setup the board, how the various pieces move, and the goals of the game.
If you were to ask the kids, they’ll tell you that they want to get the other’s king, the queen is the most powerful piece, not to move the king unless you have to, and many other pieces of trivia – that they don’t necessarily apply when they play!
One funny exchange this morning…
<Katherine moves her pawn forward>
Allison: “NOOOOO”
Katherine: “Why?”
Allison: “Because then I’ll take your piece!”
Allison also tried to convince Katherine last night that Katherine shouldn’t take her pieces. ๐
I have a feeling we’ll be “playing” more chess this weekend. ๐