It’s been a very eventful week for Katherine.
- She can see her first adult tooth emerging.
- She is in a new classroom at school. Today she took two books to school. Apparently, her new classroom has a “museum” in which kids can put one item from home. The museum is an aquarium! I expect that Katherine will be bringing all sorts of things to school this week. She chose to display “Tinkerbell’s Tea Party” today.
- She and Allison are finally in an extracurricular class together. They both attend rhythmic gymnastics after school one day a week, which they love!
Allison and I are getting closer to “Twinkle Twinkle.” She can now play all the Suzuki bow rhythms with decent form with open strings. She’s even put her left fingers on the fingerboard–although this is going to take a lot more practice. As part of the Suzuki method, Allison is supposed to go to monthly group lessons. We attended two weekends ago, and Allison was SO determined to play with the other kids (no matter what.) One of the exercises is called CopyCat, where a student plays a rhythm and the other kids follow suit. Well, when it was her turn to lead, I “helped” Allison played a rhythm. One of the little boys could tell that Allison wanted to do this herself, so he suggested that she try it…and she did. She even sat thru 45 minutes of advanced playing by older children. She is a very determined child.