The Sno-Park
Steve and I took the girls to the Hyak Sno-Park this past weekend, pre-Super Bowl to burn off some energy.
We took our new red sled – which is supposed to seat two kids – and snacks, refreshments.
Perhaps the most memorable moment was when Allison trudged to the van and muttered, “This isn’t exciting. This is dangerous.”
Thankfully, we made the kids wear their helmets as they whizzed down the hill. The first big tumble happened with their first dual run down the hill. Allison flew off the sled, as Katherine hit one hand brake. Poor Allison ended up with a couple scrapes which required some TLC.
Then, the kids took turns in the minivan eating lunch. I apparently missed Allison’s big solo wipeout, which convinced her that this was just a bad idea.
We lasted about 90 minutes at the park. Maybe we’ll try this again in a couple years!
I’ll post pictures later this week.