Washing Legos
Steve has many interesting ideas, but this one really took the cake.
Last weekend the girls visited a few little friends and had a great time playing with their Legos. Steve was so inspired by this that he immediately went home and bought Legos…on eBay. To be clear, he bought 20 POUNDS of Legos that were delivered yesterday in an enormous box.
All was well until yesterday morning when Steve said, climbing into his car before work, “The Legos should arrive today. You just need to wash the Legos…Just go online and read about how to wash them.”
The key word is “Just.” This pretty much consumed our evening. I ruled out two techniques that I read about on the web. One involves putting Legos in a pillow case, tying the case shut and washing them in your washing machine (fingers crossed the pillow case doesn’t open and ruin your washing machine!) The second involved putting them in a dishwasher and hoping they don’t melt. (Seriously!)
We opted for washing them by hand. Steve dumped all 20 pounds into the girls’ bathtub with dishwashing soap and swished them around in hot water. Then we rinsed them out in batches in the bathroom sinks. Then we put them in a huge plastic bin where I mopped them with dry towels to get the water off. THEN Steve dumped them on the family room carpet to dry further.
As Steve noted, “the girls will remember this for the rest of their lives.”
I’m attaching pictures of the process.
Family Visit
Aunt Sharon and Uncle Jamey visited this past weekend to celebrate my mom’s birthday. After they climbed Tiger Mountain with Mom (Yep), Sharon and Jamey came over to make apple pie. We then headed over to Bamboo Garden for some nice spicy Chinese food. On Sunday, Sharon and Jamey took the girls ice skating in Kirkland. The kids had a great time…and slept well Sunday night.
Other Pictures
Patty took the kids late last week to the Zoo during parent/teacher conferences, when they had half day school. They stayed almost the whole afternoon, visiting the entire zoo. Allison was so tired, she slept on the way home.
I should also note that the girls got haircuts yesterday afternoon after school. They got “cotton candy” scent in their hair and sparkles too. Oh boy!
We also took the girls to Baskin Robbins for a special treat, because both their teachers gave positive reports during parent/teacher conferences.
Grandma Dottie made quilts with both girls. Katherine brought hers home. Allison decided to leave hers on her special shelf.