Spring break was very exciting for the kids–5 to 6 playdates and one day home with Dad. They went on two Easter egg hunts at friends’ houses and played with their cousins at Aunt Pat’s house. Our tradition has also been to give the kids a few spring/summer outfits and a toy each. This year we bought ginormous stuffed animals at BabyStyle. Katherine’s animal is a lamb – no surprise – and Allison got a big giant purple hippo. They spent at least a couple hours afterwards dragging these huge stuffed animals around the house.
Other major events:
- The girls dyed eggs with Dad.
- Katherine can really skate now. She and Allison have been practicing by pushing their strollers around the driveway. Now, Katherine can get around, no stroller or handholding. I came home the other day to find that Katherine and Patty had been roller skating in the garage, because it’s like a roller-rink.
- We acquired a THIRD fish today. This algae eater has a tremendous opportunity and job ahead of itself. We did clean the tank with a siphon-type device a couple nights ago, but the tank is proving to be a challenge to keep clean. We’ve already removed the dead plants and replaced them with plastic plants. And, Steve replaced the filter with another quieter model. I have a feeling we’re not done yet.
- Katherine’s two front teeth are getting loose. The tooth fairy is going to be busy this spring and summer!