I found a couple pictures from Allison’s birthday circle at school – again video is available for on-demand viewing at home. The rest of the pictures appear to be elsewhere (fingers crossed!)
As always, last weekend was a flurry of activity. The kids spent one morning playing with their next door neighbor. We took them to the nearby park to play and eat sandwiches, when the ice cream truck showed up! This was a first for Katherine and Allison, so we indulged a bit. The kids had their rocket ship and bubble gum popsicles and listened to the ice cream music. (This was perhaps the first time I had ever heard the theme to “Love Story” played by an ice cream truck. Same for Jingle Bells.) The kids scooted on Razors, and then we handed the kids over to Grandma and Grandpa Bush for a playdate with them and their cousins. They had a great time – and Steve and I headed out to watch Star Trek. (We loved the movie.)
On Sunday we made the rounds at Trilogy. We biked over to the Bushes, had a snack, then to my mom’s for yet another snack. Fed and happy, we headed home on our bikes. The ride home involves a nice little hill (maybe 5-6% grade?) that goes from my mom’s house to the Clubhouse. Katherine was very focused. We talked about reaching the US Flag at the top of the hill without stopping. Katherine slowly pedaled up the hill in her easiest gear and finally made it. She was even fine after she accidentally brushed a pole and fell over near the Clubhouse. Katherine is making a lot of progress these days with her biking.
Another source of excitement and investment continues to be our goldfish tank. Most recently, Steve and I came very close to dumping our algae eater into Puget Sound. Somehow in the process of cleaning the tank, the eater evaded Steve and his net. He got pumped thru the siphon into a huge can that we used to capture the dirty water. We carried the can to our driveway and slowly began to pour the water towards the road. Thankfully, we found the very freaked out fish just in the nick of time. He’s now hiding in our tank.
Our tank also experienced some sort of weird bloom, which resulted in one of the goldfish sort of swimming on its side. We flushed it and prompted replaced it with a small goldfish from Petco for …. $0.13. To prevent future algae growth and such, we also bought a larger filter and a variety of other implements/conditioners to keep the tank healthy….$100+. Total cost of goldfish ownership continues to climb…
We did have some unfortunate news yesterday – Great Grandpa Vasvary is in the hospital and not doing very well. We talked about it with the kids, who remember him from our last visit to SoCal. We’re holding good thoughts for him and the family.
Time has flown this year. I can’t believe there are only three more weeks of school.