3 Days and Counting!
This morning we went to a Thank You breakfast in Katherine’s classroom. She served us a little breakfast and rolled out her number roll on the sidewalk in front of Mezzo C. The number roll is a very big deal for these kindergartners. My interpretation is that it represents closure on kindergarten and readiness for first grade. For those who haven’t seen it, the roll is 50 strips of paper taped together rolled around a piece of TP cardboard. One each paper they write 50 numbers, starting at 1 and ending at 1000 finally. They put little polished rocks on the rolled out pieces of paper when they are done to measure it.We also toured her class garden which is brimming over with herbs. Katherine loves to pick little pieces of herbs, put them in her folder and bring them home. She was very proud to have contributed tarragon, oregano and the pepperment to the garden a couple weeks ago.
Allison last night said something very interesting as we were reading a Fancy Nancy book. She said, “I wish I could jump in the book.” When I asked why, she said, “Because I want to see what it’s like.” I wonder where this came from!
Katherine is officially entering the bad Knock Knock joke stage. Newest one courtesy of a kindergarten friend, “Knock knock. Who’s there? Pencil. Pants will fall down without a belt.” And then gales of laughter…
Both girls have started their 100 book boards. And, they’re even negotiating privileges for when they finish their boards. Katherine doesn’t really need the book board per se, but I think she doesn’t want to feel left out. Allison started her board a couple weeks ago and is on book 20-something. She is reading the Diego books now…with snappy titles like “Linda the Llama” and also Biscuit books too “Biscuit goes to the Dog Show.” She’s come quite a way with her reading in the last couple months. It’ll be interesting to see where she ends up at the end of the summer. Katherine is a bit peeved that Allison reads “short” books, while her books take longer to read (either silently to herself or out loud to an adult).