It’s the Economy…
Katherine is an amazingly observant child. A couple days ago, she had been playing “Katherine’s Sweet Shop” in the playroom. This involved providing one of several handwritten and typed menus to guests, serving them food, billing them and providing change from her plastic cash register. She even had donned an apron, with notepad and pen to take orders in her apron pocket. After both Steve and I had “breakfast,” Katherine announced a few times that “Katherine’s sweet shop is open….” No one came. Then, we heard massive activity, followed by a glum silence. Katherine had taken down her handwritten sign to the playroom. She replaced it with another stating, “Katherine’s Sweet Shop – Closed – for Lease” and “If you want your last meal, you should come today.” Apparently, not only did she not have a line of customers out the door, but she also looked in the cash register and had only $1 left.
She said that she had seen the “Closed For Lease” sign in many empty storefronts here and in Boston.
The sign has been taken down, as Katherine has decided to re-open and try her business again.
One of our New Years traditions is to crack open a bottle of Martinellis, sit in front of a fire and discuss what we’re grateful for. As always, its an interesting discussion. Perhaps the most fitting for 2009 was Allison’s comment: “I’m glad Dad didn’t get laid off.” That said, she followed it with, “If Dad did get laid off, then he’d spend more time with his kids.” (Admittedly, we’ve tried to explain that lots of people lost jobs and $ thru investments this year. But, seriously, where does this stuff come from?!)
I’ll have to go thru and find pictures to post. But, here’s a quick rundown of highlights from the trip:
- Lots of ice cream – Toscaninis and Rancs
- Dim sum
- Legal Seafood
- State Street House & Museum (Tea from Boston Tea Party!)
- Children’s Museum