What are we up to these days?
Simply, we’ve finished the kindergarten application process for Allison, and we’ve been clearing out our house of clutter and such. Old school papers, books, bank statements have been recycled or shredded. We’ve dragged things out of the garage to go to the dump (sadly not usable anymore), and donated numerous car loads of “stuff” to Goodwill. Many boxes of books have gone to Half Priced Books, so they can be re-read by anyone interested in Plato, Galileo, or say even Dante. (Confidently, I can say that we have no intention of re-reading the Inferno or the Manifesto…)
The girls are reading up a storm. As part of the cleaning and purging process, I finally found a box of my old childhood books. They include wonderful stories like Flat Stanley, Wolves of Willoughby Chase, Rats of NIMH…Katherine pulled out Mary Poppins from the stack of books. She read it cover to cover in two days and then went to the library to check-out Mary Poppins Comes Back. Allison has now claimed the Mary Poppins book by putting her bookmark in it and has started the first several chapters.
We went to Game Night for lower elementary kids last night at school. We took Allison along, telling her that she had to play by the rules. Allison listened carefully to the rules and loved the experiece of playing new games like Castle Keep, Feed the Fish and Rattlesnake. Katherine did too, although Operation Shrek was a big hit. ๐