Moving On…
It’s been a busy June. We finally moved to our new abode, which involved moving vans, storage runs and such. Thankfully, we’re all set. We just need to sell our previous house, and we’re good to go. We’re still putting things away a little at a time, figuring out everything’s new home.
Allison is excited to go to kindergarten at her new school next year. We went to the New Family event yesterday. Allison and Katherine promptly headed for the playgrounds. We peeled them off for a trip to the classrooms, the snack table and for a presentation in the auditorium. Allison was surprisingly quiet with the kindergarten teachers, saying a brief hello. She finally opened up when a teacher asked if she liked to read Magic Tree House. Allison promptly answered that Yes! she loves the series, and even has the first half of books at home!
These days her book selection is more varied. She’s migrated to Katherine’s old collection of Rainbow Magic Fairy books. And, Katherine has moved on to the Bailey School House kids, occasionally still reading through her A-Z Mystery Series. Thankfully, we get the library summer reading list later this week. And, the girls are excited to sign up for the library reading program, which awards a new laptop to the Grand Prize Winner.
Making Money
Katherine loves trips to Office Depot. I’m not sure I understand the appeal. But, she loves to stand in the writing utensil aisle, count her allowance money and see what she can purchase. I’ve told the kids they can earn extra money if they help around the house. So, both kids mopped and dried the laundry room floor and vacuumed their rooms and got an extra dollar. Allison also mopped the downstairs bath and vacuumed the entire downstairs…very fastidious and careful in the process. Allison told me the other day, “Mom – thank you for buying this new house. I will help you clean it since you can’t do it by yourself.” Gotta love that!