Memorial Day weekend 2012 at the BushChang household. Friday night started out with a family reading session. Katherine likes to read in bed and Rosebud likes to play/cuddle/chew on the bed. The big news is the girls convinced Mom and Dad to buy them Apple iPod Touches. The assertion was that if we bought them the device they would want to buy music and apps. They would “earn” the new music and applications by doing things like going to Violin, Piano, and/or Math lessons. Dad had to “set up” the iPods so this made for a late Friday night. Saturday we spent doing chores and recovering from a long week. The girls spent their “free” time playing with their new iPods. Mom and Dad set some ground rules. If they don’t respond immediately or put the device away when asked then the iPod will go away for a whole day. So far, so good.
Katherine spent most of Saturday working on her Pueblo Indian diorama. The first attempt that used Wheaties and honey didn’t turn out so well. The second attempt used modeling clay and wooden sticks to make things structurally sound. Katherine planned out the diorama based on book research. The diorama included a field, reservoir, one and two-story houses, and Pueblo Indians doing various things.
Saturday evening, the girls decided to make homemade pasta. Though a fun exercise, it’s a lot of work and a big mess. However, the results were quite tasty.