Rosebud is growing up. Every morning we comment that she has grown over night. She has also perfected the “please play with me as I’m so cute technique”. One of the key projects for this week was a Pueblo Indian diorama. The first attempt used Wheaties and honey. Unfortunately, by morning the houses had collapsed. Though disappointed Katherine decided that using clay and wooden sticks would make it stronger.
Katherine played in her second to last basketball game of the season at OWS versus the Jewish Day School. Katherine is tall and plays good defensive; however, the OWS team isn’t quite yet competitive with the other girls teams in the league. Christine and I have been coaching her to stand between the opposing player and the basketball hoop and to keep her hands up. She’s learning and having a good time. It’s also great exercise as the girls have to run up and down the court.
We’re hoping that basketball becomes Katherine’s “team” sport, similar to how Allison has chosen soccer as hers.
Finally, Tori and Katherine had a playdate at the American Girl store. They sampled snacks and shopped for new American Girl gear.