On Sunday Katherine crashed on her scooter going down the driveway. She fell on her left ring and pinky finger. We immediately iced the fingers and they started to swell. Later in the evening we tried to immobile the fingers with a split but Katherine said it hurt too much. Monday morning arrives and the fingers are still sore and swollen. Dad decides to call Pediatrics Associates and have them examine Katherine. We arrive for a 9:40A appointment. Pediatrics Associates takes some x-rays and determines that Katherine has broken her left ring finger and possibly her left pinky finger. They refer us to a orthopedic specialist as the break is near the growth plate and want to make sure the bones are set properly.
Off we go to a 10:30A appointment with the orthopedic surgeon who decides to take another set of x-rays. Katherine is a champ throughout the process. They determine that Katherine has indeed broken her left ring finger and her left pinky. To immobilize her fingers, Katherine must have a cast for 2-3 weeks that goes up right before her elbow. She gets to choose a color and decides on hot pink.
After the doctor’s visit we visit the drug store to stock up on Tylenol as Katherine is still in a bit of pain. We go to Katherine’s basketball practice but she’s unable to participate. We had to also cancel her piano lessons. We stop her gymnastics classes for the month of July.
The afternoon and evening is spent getting used to having a heavier left arm. She’s able to take a bath with the cast double bagged. Katherine finally falls asleep. Mom and Dad are tired. Long day.