Katherine Irene Bush was born on November 6th, 2002 at 6:04 AM at Overlake Hospital in Bellevue, WA. She weighed 7 lbs, 8 oz and measured 21 inches in length at birth.
- Late Night Katherine Feeding
- Cleaning Up The House
- Brunch with the Tsengs
- Christine and Katherine Visit Bellevue Square
- Katherine Wants Attention
- Finding a Nanny for Katherine
- Bisco Barks at His Reflection
- Dinner with the LeVines and Youngs
- Young Boys Hold Katherine
- Mirror, Mirror on The Crib
- Taking a Family Nap
- Lamaze Reunion
- Trying to Get Katherine to be Regular
- Rushing to Publish
- Santa Claus in Bellevue Square with the Grandparents
- Portland Weekend
- Katherine and Her Mobile
- Patty Salgado
- Katherine Meets Edgar Martinez
- Katherine rolls over
- Patty in Action with Katherine
- Mom Daughter Night
- Katherine Makes Progress
- Katherine is Teething
- Katherine’s First Jogger Ride
- Katherine Pets Bisco
- Katherine is Almost Sitting…
- Katherine the Human Sponge
- Katherine Experiences Snow
- Grandma Chang Visits Katherine
- Katherine Sleeps Through the Night
- Tong Family Visit
- Birthday Party for Aunt Pat and Mrs. Chang
- Katherine Learns New Skills
- Katherine Visits Woodland Zoo
- Katherine in Her High Chair
- Katherine Finally Gets an Ultrasaucer
- Katherine Gets Sick
- April Colds
- Happy Easter 2003
- Katherine Learning to Crawl
- Super Baby Food
- Katherine Hacking with Dad
- Swinging Katherine
- Katherine First Tooth Appears
- Katherine’s First Tooth, Progress
- Katherine’s First Mariner’s Game (And Big Fall)
- Mother’s Day
- Katherine stands up (with a little help)
- Katherine Stands With Help
- Katherine Walks with Assistance in Nordstrom
- Dinner at the LeVines
- Kelty Backpack
- Our Trip to Orange County, CA
- What an Exhausting Week!
- Gymcrawlers Class
- Sharon and Jamey Visit Katherine
- Audrey’s Cool Swing System
- Microsoft Company Picnic
- Birthday Dinner for Grandpa Orr
- Brunch at the LeVines
- Katherine says her first words!
- PEPs
- Katherine’s 9 Month Checkup
- Labor Day Weekend with Katherine
- Katherine Takes Her First Steps
- Katherine’s First Haircut
- Happy Birthday Sid & Audrey
- Getting So Mobile…
- Katherine Talking and Walking
- Getting in the Swing of Halloween
- My Name is Katherine, Hear Me SHRIEKKK!
- Are You Watching Her??
- Quality Weekend with Katherine
- Moving at the Speed of Katherine
- Flying Katherine
- Christmas is so much fun!
- What a Fun and Busy Christmas!
- Katherine Language
- Active Playtime
- Playing with Friends
- No…No…No!
- More Words!
- Slimy and Wet?
- More Words…
- Katherine and Mom
- Our Little Musician
- Trilogy Home for Parents
- Catching Up
- We should have known
- Katherine Likes Her Potty – Was it an Accident?
- Katherine’s Traumatic Night
- Happy Easter!!
- Latest Katherine Pix
- What a good patient
- Our Tall, Skinny Engineer
- Happy Mothers Day!
- Abble
- Let’s try this again
- Shape Sorter
- Our Little Patient
- Practicing for Drivers Test
- Happy Father’s Day
- Learning to Share
- July 4th Weekend
- Daddy’s Keys
- Katherine’s Play Weekend
- Long awaited pictures
- What is up with the blog?
- Perrigo Park Picnic
- I now remember why we haven’t flown for a year…
- Our Visit to Agua or Newport Beach
- Our First Day at Disneyland
- California Adventure
- Heat Wave – 104 degrees!
- Going Around, Around & Around at Disneyland
- Grandparents Visit Friday
- Happy Birrrrth-day!
- Disneyland 2004
- Katherine Turns Two!
- More ABC progress
- Mama Play Zin Zin Under Chin
- Thanksgiving 2004
- Graduating to Junior Bed
- Catching Up on Family Events
- Our Weekend
- Our Zoo Weekend
- Catching Up
- Getting the Nursery Ready
- Allison Sarah Bush, Day 2
- Allison Sarah Bush, Day 3
- Allison, Day 4
- Allison, Day 5
- Allison, Day 14
- Allison, Day 21
- 1 Month Checkup
- For every action…
- 2 Month Checkup & 4 Shots!
- Just like her older sister…
- Chasing Waves at Cannon Beach
- Bush / Vasvary Family Visit
- Preschool Orientation
- First Day of Preschool
- More Preschool News
- 4 Month Checkup – Our long skinny bean
- Establishing our new routine
- Not much to say today…
- Has it really been 15 years??
- MCH Harvest Festival 2005
- Every letter makes a sound, the A says ahhh…
- It’s Finally Here!!
- Thanksgiving 2005
- Dorothy Elizabeth Vasvary
- Tis the Season
- What a Week!
- What did you say?!?
- Leapfrog Fun
- We’re Cruising Now!
- Allison’s Front Tooth
- Happy New Year!
- All She Wants to do is Walk
- Allison’s 9 Month Checkup
- Finally Pictures!!
- Ma Ma (YEAH!!)
- She’s Eating the Cord Again!!!
- Birthday Weekend
- Just one of those days
- Massive Development
- Did the Easter Bunny come yet?
- Lucky Number Seven
- Happy Birthday Allison!
- An Eating Machine
- Mother’s Day and a Dyson
- Exhausting Weekend
- Memorial Day and KidsQuest
- Badline Badaline!
- Blossoming Vocabulary
- Early Father’s Day Presents
- MCH Activities
- Catching our Breath
- Omissions
- Road Tripping, STP and more
- Farm Experience
- Saaaahhhlleee
- Lots of Words, But Still a Skinny Bean
- Going to Ferryland
- Allison’s Third Molar
- More Words Today
- First Week of Preschool
- Booster
- Audrey’s Birthday Party
- September Sails By
- Halloween & Birthdays
- Allison’s Vocabulary
- From the Mouth of Babes
- Snows Days…
- Happy Valentine’s Day!
- Mother Daughter Day at Eton
- They’re Sponges
- Pinky Bear
- Check out the Headgear
- Allison Haircut
- Katherine Teaches Allison Ballet
- Pre-Easter Festivities
- Allison is now TWO years old!
- Finally on the Charts!
- Quick Developmental Update
- Family Day at School
- Your Shoulders are Crooked
- Just about Normal
- More On Swimming
- What do you want to do tomorrow?
- Haircut #2 for Allison
- Swimming Like a Fish
- Happy Halloween
- Katherine’s 5th Birthday Party
- A Crazy 6 Weeks…
- The Holidays
- What a Day
- Catching up on Pictures
- Christmas 2008
- Basket Ramens
- Funny Moments
- Roller Queens
- Our Fifth Carnival
- Easter Egg Hunts
- Disneyland 2008
- Allison’s 3rd Birthday
- Allison’s 3rd Birthday Weekend
- Would You Like Some Lemonade?
- Storm Game
- Lake Chelan
- First Day of Summer School
- Allison’s Summer School Adventures
- Lake Wenatchee
- I don’t know how to swim yet!
- The Olympics and Katherine’s Scrapbook
- Chuckee and The Jumbo-Tron
- Slew of Pictures
- Mondays at the Playground
- Reading Board
- Busy Month
- Finally Pictures…
- Katherine’s First Search
- It’s STILL Snowing
- Alvin…Alvin!!
- Losing Teeth
- Allison Learns Chess
- The Sno-Park
- Spelling Interesting Words
- Pictures
- Changes
- Fourth Place in PuzzleHunt
- School Out
- Washing Legos
- Our new family members
- Second Tooth Gone!
- Easter
- Suzuki Concert
- Allison is now Four!
- Allison’s Birthday Circle
- Summer is Finally Here
- 3 Days and Counting!
- School’s Out!
- Our Fairies
- Summer School
- Happy Fourth of July
- Master Magi Katherine and Master Magi Tebbi?
- School FINALLY Started
- I Live in a Big House
- Catching Up
- Bookworms
- More Sweet Shop…
- It’s the Economy…
- Tired…Cold
- What are we up to these days?
- Our Spring Break
- Moving to Yarrow Point
- Europe 2011
- Seattle Dog Show
- Allison’s Violin Recital
- Trip to Chuckanut Retrievers to Visit Rosebud
- Lucky Visits for a Week
- Welcome Home Rosebud
- Easter 2012
- Allison Soccer Tryouts
- Pau Pau’s Birthday Party
- Allison’s Family Birthday Party
- Nice Day in Bellevue
- Mother’s Day 2012
- Katherine’s First Basketball Game
- Amy’s 40th Birthday Party
- Saturday Memorial Day 2012 Fun
- American Girl Playdate and Katherine’s Second to Last Basketball Game of 2012
- Museum of Glass and 520 Construction
- Open Window School 2012 Art Celebration
- OWS Last Day of School 2012
- Rosebud Training and Father’s Day Weekend Fun
- Grandpa’s 71st Birthday Celebration at the Space Needle
- Gift Tags and Lemonade Stand
- Purple fingers
- Katherine’s Broken Fingers
- Yarrow Point Pet Parade 2012
- 2012 July 4th Parade
- Making Pies with Sharon and Jamey
- Sharon and Jamey Visit July 2012
- Seattle Storm and Allison Playing Soccer
- Octopus Strikes Back
- Medina Days 2012
- Katherine’s OWS 4th Grade Field Trip to the Corn Maze
- Steve’s 45th Birthday Party
- Halloween 2012
- Katherine’s 10th Birthday
- Allison Soccer on Dad’s Birthday
- Katherine’s favorite things to do for fun (this was posted by Katherine)
- IslandWood OWS Trip 2013
- Family Photos 2014
- Thanksgiving 2014
- Katherine’s 12th Birthday Party
- Christmas 2014
- ITVC 2015
- February 2017 Snow Day
- Lunch at Nordstorms
- Sudden Impact 2017
- Katherine Visits Suncadia with Goad Family
- Friends videos from 2004 and 2005